Sneak Peek | Jewelry Shoot


Hi everyone,

Are you all ready for this 2016? I’m on my way to Amsterdam with a lot of delay so hope to be there soon for a fun party! What are your plans for this last day of 2015? Tonight I’m showing you a little sneak peek of this shoot which I styled a while ago! We worked with a lot of different jewelry and themes for this shoot! I can’t wait to hear what you allready think of this sneak peek and don’t forget to check out the full serie soon on the blog!


Styling | N(EX)T Collection


Hi everyone,

How are you all doing today? I watching one of my favorite shows of the year and I’m bedding that a lot of women are doing the same thing: The Victoria Secret Fashionshow! I love the theme’s they have every year, the beautifull lingerie and offcourse the amazing wings! Wish I could be on that runway haha! Tonight I’m showing you the results of a shoot which I styled together with m classmate Berdine just a few weeks ago! We are studying fashionstyling at Academie Artemis in Amsterdam. For school we’ve all kinds of fictive assignments which one of them was styling a photoshoot. We had to pick a fictive partnership between BenettonxEssent (Essent is a dutch energy company which we had to pick for a partnership with a brand). I’m so happy with the end results and the awesome team we worked with! We worked with photographer Gail Meijer and Willemijn Bos who made a super cool fashion campagne movie for us!

I would love to know what you all think of the results! Check it out:)

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| Female Model – Cherella Gessel | Male Model – Thomas Kik | Photographer – Gail Meijer | Video – Willemijn Bos | MUAH – Marsha Calori | Styling – Vera van Wijnen and Berdine de Gier


Recap | November



Dear readers,

Bye bye November, Hello December!

Bye Bye October, Hello November! Wow, only one month to go and 2016 will be here! A new year with a lot of new and exciting things and a fresh start! Also the 2 years anniversary of High On Those Heels is almost here which means… gifttime! But for now let’s focus on one of my favorite months of the year, December. Sinterklaas, Christmas, Hope fully some snow and enjoy a lot of quality time with my family!

November was quite a hectic month. With a some personal stuff which ment that I had to putt blogging on a low step for a while but December will be a big quick start and hope to show your more outfits! For now just two but totally different outfits!

Which one was your favorite?

You can also follow me on InstagramBloglovin and Facebook


Outfit | Flare it


Outfit | Hello Snowwhite